Change your details

Please let us know as soon as possible if you change your address, telephone number or name. It is important that we have up to date contact details in case we need to contact you.

For patients who are living outside our catchment area SW18, registration is at our discretion. Patients outside of SW18 should be aware that they may not have access to community services e.g. district nurses, community mental health team, social services, some therapies and that we will not be able to provide home visits.

Please note: If your name has changed due to Marriage or by Deed Poll, can you please provide us with a copy of the appropriate document (requirement of Department of Health).

In order to proceed with required amendment of your details, please attach a copy of the relevant document, e.g. change of address – current address details, change of the name – photo ID with your new name.

Contact us online to change your details

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